Products – Audio

Adjustable Speakerphone Stand

The inability to clearly hear what your customers and coworkers are saying, and having to ask them to repeat themselves, is one of the most annoying aspects of conference and video calls.

When you’re in a conference room with a group of people, it makes sense to place the speakerphone flat on the table so that everyone can hear it equally. But when you’re Working from Home, by yourself, organize your workspace and enjoy the best audio experience by tilting the speakerphone, as recommended by Jabra.

Unfortunately, the only model with a table stand (aka kickstand) is the Jabra Speak 710 model, so if you have a Speak 410, 510 or one of the new Speak-2 models, consider this affordable and adjustable stand.

Find your ideal angle with the adjustable stand.

It easily folds up when you not in use or you need to take it with you on a trip.

Available in black and white to match your office décor and your other electronic devices.

The only Jabra speakerphone stand that is made and ships from the United States. Get your stand quickly and save with free shipping within the U.S.

For only USD$14.95, make a small investment in your career while Working from Home. You may even be able to expense it!!

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